MBC seeks to actively engage every person in the congregation in worship. How? We choose singable songs, not songs written to be performed by professional musicians. We make sure the words focus on Christ and what He did for us. We “sing the Word” as much as possible.
Our worship and music target two Scriptural goals:
Come Fellowship With Us
MBC builds community by harking back to the practice of the first church: we eat together every Sunday. We ask each family to bring a main dish and a side or dessert, but spend no more than they would if they ate Sunday dinner at home. We then share our dishes with one another and fellowship together as we eat. The meal provides a comfortable and informal venue for welcoming guests and building community.
In addition to this meal, our second service each Sunday provides a more formal means of building community. Through discussion focused on the sermon of the morning, we have opportunity to practice many of the “one anothers” mentioned in the NT—to encourage one another, teach one another and love one another.
In order to give our children the best Bible teaching possible, Midway holds a children’s church service in conjunction with the main service. This special time gives kids an opportunity for interaction and learning in a context and manner that may be better suited to their age and learning styles.
Nursery and Sunday School classes are available for all ages!
MBC College & Career is a group that comes together for spiritual encouragement, wonderful fellowship involving great food and fun, and enjoys working with one another during various church ministries and community opportunities.
We believe that prayer is the life-blood of the church. We seek to teach each believer how to pray. We invite believers to pray together each Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm. When believers pray with one another, they are drawn together in the deepest possible fellowship—with God and each other. We encourage believers to “pray the Word” and expect God to answer prayer!
MBC believes that Christ is building His church throughout the world, and we want to be His co-laborers in this work. MBC supports missionaries reaching many of the major world religions, including Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Roman Catholics, animists and secularists. The arms of our church reach to Haiti, Mexico, Ecuador, India, Thailand, Cambodia, Turkey and other hard-to-reach countries on three continents.
Midway Bible Church got its start meeting in the gymnasium at Spearman Elementary School, so we have always had a heart for the children there. In 2009, MBC started a Good News Club at the school. Since then, dozens of children from our community have professed faith in Christ.
If you have Monday afternoons free, there are several roles you could play in this outreach to 1st-5th graders.
Throughout the year, MBC hosts annual events from Family Film Nights, to Greenville Drive Games, to a Fall Cookout and Bonfire, and many others!